„Ludo ergo sum“ – I play, therefor I am.
Hannes Seebacher
Autodidact in Fine-arts since 1996, multiple medias: installation, video, sculpture, painting
with the focus on the nature of water.
From 2010 on Seebachers work is dedicated to the exploration of the essence of „playing“.
The role of Play is the only reason why living beings are able to get in contact,
and it is the most important activity in life to train the brain.
„Child Of Play” is the possibility to enrich the regular educationsystem with it´s activities fundamentally.
2011 Begin of a collaboration together with Lukas Maximilian Hüller for the series of „children´s play“
2013 Formation of the artistic association kulturSPIEL based in Austria in co-operation with Lukas Maximilian Hüller.
2014 co-founder of the UK based PLAY FOUNDATION.